Tvorba firmených systémov

Your company can also keep track of its workflow

Customized IT system and mobile application development

ůlohový systém

Project description

A mobile application linked to the back-end of the IT system gives the employer/management a perfect and real-time picture of the performance of individual employees.
This is beneficial in many ways.
The employer has an option to look at each employee’s performance and workload and if necessary, redistribute his or her tasks between others evenly to relieve an overloaded employee and make others work to their potential.
On top of that, the system also provides monthly statistics on the performance of individual employees so when evaluating and rewarding employees or downsizing, the employer can make an informed and fair decision.

More benefits

The client’s requirements were clear – to increase the company’s efficiency, monitor efficiently employees activities and optimize costs. We designed a system that met exactly these expectations. It works as follows. Each individual employee has a mobile application into which their superior adds tasks. The task would then be displayed to the employee along with other tasks. If the employee starts performing any of these tasks, the task will appear in the mobile application as in-progress. If the employee pauses his or her work on the task, there are obliged to flag this interruption in the mobile application.
This management system also records arrivals and departures from work. The NFC technology reads employees phones when showing up for work and departing thus allowing the employer to keep track of attendance of each individual employee as well as see the overall statistics.

Tvorba mobilnej aplikácie
Firemný systém na mieru

Keep track of your employees

Increase the efficiency of your company

Firmený systém

What has been developed?

Increase the efficiency of your company

Programovanie na mieru

Custom programming

is utilized in the development of IT systems and portals where high emphasis is placed on security, reliability or system load … learn more about this in the Custom Programming section

tvorba firemných systémov

IT systems development

An enterprise IT system gets you a better overview of your customers, employees, inventory, and many other things… learn more in the IT system development section

Mobile apps development

Mobile apps

Feel like you need to have all important information about your business at your fingertips? With a mobile app you can be provided with all this … learn more in the Mobile Apps Development section

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